Our layered approach of security solutions will keep attacks at a minimum. This includes: Patch Management, Malware protection, Virus Protection, and Vulnerability testing.
No matter what Compliance you are having to meet. We are here to assist. HIPAA, CJIS, and any other. Our staff is certified and trained in Information Security.
Our managed Firewall/Switches Solutions allows us to monitor, and keep up-to-date. To limit threats.
Our Antivirus solutions allows us to monitor, and manage all our end points, to keep threats to a minimum.
Security Patches come out daily. If these are not installed in a timely manner, you are leaving yourself up to attack.
Content Filtering allows us to monitor and block known websites that will try to still your identity. Allowing only approved websites.
Two-Way Authentication allows us to setup clients so that it reduces the risk of someone hacking your resources.
Alot of Compliance regulations require that data in transit, and also mobile devices data to be encrypted.
We provide solutions to limit phishing, and spam from reaching your inbox.
Some regulations require that you archive all email for any future litigation.