Disasters happen! It might not be a catastrophic event like fire, hurricanes, floods, etc. but it could be human error, cyber-attack, or just equipment failure.
SmartTech Consulting has partnered with leaders in the backup industry to provide backup solutions that fit every budget.
Onsite Backup Solutions are becoming more obsolete, but we do offer it for customers that prefer onsite, and/or does not have internet service that would allow remote backup options.
Remote Backup Solutions has become more common. Backing your data to a secure data can protect you in the event of Ransomware, Worms, theft, breeches, and also physical damage. Knowing your critical data is protected and safe offsite in a encrypted secure data center.
Having a sound backup solution is only part of the solution. Once a disaster occurs what is an acceptable time until you are backup and running. Disaster Recovery is the process of getting all important IT Infrastructure and operations up and running following an outage.
Business Continuity is the process of getting the entire business back to full functionality after a crisis.
Hybrid Backup Solutions Works to give you the best of all the solutions.